Fire Damper Maintenance & Inspection Service

Fire Damper Maintenance & Inspection Service2020-04-29T12:14:30+00:00

Get Total Peace Of Mind With Fire Damper Service

Do you know it’s essential for you get fire damper maintenance Ireland to ensure correct operation in the event of a fire? We, at BM Fire can offer full maintenance packages.

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Fire Damper Maintenance
Fire Damper Maintenance

Don’t let your building suffer from fire accidents; costing life,let BM Fire offer a thorough inspection.

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Fire Damper Maintenance Ireland
Fire Damper Inspection Ireland

Common FAQ

1.How often do fire dampers need maintenance?2020-04-17T13:04:47+00:00

Maintenance and inspection of fire dampers must be conducted one year after installation, and then every 4 years in commercial buildings, and every 6 years in hospitals.

2.What happens if I don’t get my dampers inspected?2020-04-17T13:11:08+00:00

If you are not up-to-date on your damper inspections, your facility could be facing heavy citations and fines for not staying in compliance. Also, a potential tragedy in your facility could be avoided when the proper maintenance and inspections are done on time.

3.If a damper is ‘inaccessible,’ it doesn’t need to be inspected, right?2020-04-17T13:12:26+00:00

Unfortunately, if your facility has undergone major renovations since first constructed, newly installed ductwork, piping and other construction projects can often block access to originally installed fire dampers. A damper should never be labeled inaccessible simply because it’s out of reach or unavailable at the time, especially in hospitals.

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