Fire Stopping Consultation

Fire Stopping Consultation2020-04-29T12:24:41+00:00

Ensure Your Firestop Integrity With Professional Contractors

Do you know unprotected penetrations are one of the major contributing causes of the rapid spread fire? BM has fire stopping contractors Dublin who understand the requirements to offer proper consultation for controlling fire hazards.

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Fire Stopping Contractors Dublin
Fire Stopping Contractors

Confused about making your building fire proof? BM Fire offers you a detailed consultation as per need.

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Fire Stopping Companies
Fire Stopping Company Ireland


1.Is Fire stopping consultation needed for residential buildings?2020-04-21T11:58:48+00:00

Yes.  We all value the safety of our family and colleagues.  Typically we work on large commercial buildings but we welcome all enquiries.

2.Why is firestop important?2020-04-21T12:09:16+00:00

Firestopping is mandatory by building code, and more importantly, it can protect your facility and occupants in a fire.

Firestopping aids in preventing the travel of smoke from room-to-room, which is the number one cause of fire-related deaths. Even a pencil-sized hole can allow smoke to fill the adjacent room in less than 4 minutes. With proper firestopping, injuries and fatalities could be prevented.

3.Is firestopping expensive?   2020-04-21T12:10:03+00:00

Careful planning, during the design phase and before the start of construction, can reduce the costs considerably. Choosing the right contractor can also help you get the best service under an affordable price.

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